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Miami Seaplane Tours





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本



聯絡地址:340 Main Street Suite 9000 Worcester, MA 01608

Miami Seaplane Tours(圖1)-速報App

Miami Seaplane Tours provides unforgettable tours in the Miami, FL area!

Miami Seaplane Tours(圖2)-速報App

At Miami Seaplane Tours, we have a passionate team of seaplane pilots who will show you a rare view of beautiful Miami. Located in the easily accessible Key Biscayne area, Miami Seaplane Tours will not disappoint. Late in 2011, Miami Seaplane Tours was granted its FAA 135 Certificate as an air carrier operator. Opening up a new world of opportunities. The company now offers private charter flights throughout South Florida and the Bahamas.

Our focus is always on the customer’s experience, while delivering the highest level of safety. We fly our seaplane to Bimini, Key West, and little palm islandi. Our concierge service customizes half or full day events for a quick getaway, utilizing client’s requests and our creative input to make dreams a reality for any special occasion.

Miami Seaplane Tours is continuing to grow and we’re adding new aircrafts constantly in order to expand our services and destinations. At Miami Seaplane Tours, the sky is the limit, so come visit us today for an unforgettable adventure.